4 Ways to Make It Easier for Your Clients to Pay You – Photography

4 Ways to Make It Easier for Your Clients to Pay You

4 Ways to Make It Easier for Your Clients to Pay You image make it easier for your clients to pay image photography business image  image photography business tips image photography business advice image business payments image business payments image

photo by kate_sept2004 via iStock

As someone who has been in the photography industry for decades, I sometimes find it pretty hard to cut out industry jargon.

But, I’ve actually practiced my spiel with my wife and had her stop me each time I mentioned a term she didn’t recognize. Before doing this exercise, I had no idea how much I was confusing my clients.

You can make it easier for your clients to pay you simply by cutting out industry jargon and talking to them as if they’ve never worked with a photographer before. I promise that a more seasoned client will let you know if your explanations are getting tedious.

This also happens to be one of the easiest photography business tips to implement, so there’s no reason you shouldn’t try it!

Learn More:4 Ways to Avoid Being an Underpaid Photographer It’s Time to Use Contactless Payments for Your Photography Business

Categories:   Photography



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