Jared Polin – FroKnowsPhoto Genius – Photography

Jared Polin – FroKnowsPhoto Genius

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However, when you break down his videos and really drill down to what he’s doing, what he’s saying, and how he goes about those things, you begin to realize just how brilliant this guy and his team are.

He delivers shock value – he’s not afraid to cover topics that others won’t – and he says what’s on his mind.

Like many great comedians, he has this Jedi-like force of using humor, wit, and sarcasm to reel you in. In other words, if you initially didn’t like his channel, with every video you watch, you creep closer and closer to hitting that like or subscribe button.

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What’s funny is that as I’m typing this out, this character paradigm shift reminds me of an interview I had with Jay Leno with my last company.

Growing up, I had an opinion of the kind of person Jay was, and based on that opinion, created this avatar of him.

Just prior to my interview with Jay, he gave me a tour of his warehouses that store his motorcycles and amazing collection of cars and steam engines (yes steam engines, he collects them).

During this personal tour, I saw a completely different side to this guy that totally changed my view of him. It’s not that I had a poor view of him before, but after meeting him, I realized my avatar for him was a bit off.

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Jared was talking about Fuji going full frame and Sony releasing the A7s III with some pretty awesome specs. I was getting ready to reach out to our editors to make sure we had something on our editorial calendar to cover this news when I found out it was an April fools clip.

Well played, Jared!

But that just speaks to his ability to engage with his audience in an authentic manner.

The guy knows his stuff and is able to communicate sometimes-boring details about cameras and lenses and other photography topics in a way that’s engaging and entertaining at the same time.

If you don’t know FroKnowsPhoto, I’ve put together a few details below to help you get acquainted.

Jared Polin Biography

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It’s evident in the videos he publishes on YouTube that photography is Jared’s passion. From gear reviews to how-to videos to the latest photography news, his channel is rife with goodies for photography enthusiasts. What I appreciate is that he uses humor to make things light and interesting.

If you’re a casual YouTube watcher, the chances are good that you’ll recognize his signature “I Shoot Raw” t-shirt or his massive fro, even if you don’t know him by name.

He posts videos most days of the week, too, so there’s always something new and informative from FroKnowsPhoto. And, as I said above, the guy is a genius. If you find his videos offputting, just give it some time and keep watching. You won’t regret it!

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