Photographer Surprises Deserving Couple with $30,000 Dream Wedding – Photography

Photographer Surprises Deserving Couple with $30,000 Dream Wedding

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A Tough Life

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Photo by jan abellan on Unsplash

“When you kind of go through things or when bad things are happening you always have to look for the helpers,” said Krista Smith.

Smith, who just went through some tough times herself, decided a wedding giveaway was the best way to pay it forward. 

Editor’s Tip: When photographing weddings, it’s important to have at least two camera bodies, that way you have a backup if something goes wrong. You can easily carry two cameras using a Holdfast MoneyMaker Dual Camera Harness, which also keeps your cameras at your fingertips for taking quick shots. Additionally, carrying two camera bodies allows you to minimize lens changes. Have an 85mm prime lens on one body and a 24-70mm zoom on the other so you can get beautiful portraits with the 85mm prime and still have the capability to zoom in for detail shots with the 70-200mm lens.

Eldridge, the winner of the package, went through some hard times herself. Her husband, a disabled ex-marine, committed suicide in 2013. All five of Eldridge’s children were home at the time when it happened. 

“I’ve seen the worst that life can throw at you and if I can survive that and come through it on the other side, there’s nothing that I can do and get through with my kids,” Eldridge said. 

The Big Day

Eldridge and her new fiance AJ have been engaged for a while, but with five children the financial burden of a wedding has been put off.

Thanks to Smith’s graciousness, Eldridge and AJ have now set a date for their wedding, September 26th. 

Learn More:

You Can Hire Robot Photographers For Your Wedding and This Couple Did This Groom Pushed a Piano Through the Streets of Paris for the Perfect Wedding Photoshoot

 Via EyeWitness News 3

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