Benefits of Having Live Chat on Your Photography Website – Photography

Benefits of Having Live Chat on Your Photography Website

Benefits of Having Live Chat on Your Photography Website image benefits of live chat image web chat for photography websites image podium web chat image customer service tips for photographers image photography website tips image photography website tips image

photo by Thomas_EyeDesign via iStock

While a lot of photography website tips focus on creating a flexible experience for your clients, web chats also provide a lot of flexibility to you as a business owner.

You can respond to client questions when you have the time to, especially if you use Podium’s web chat which is really just a way to start a text message thread with potential clients.

Using a web chat also allows you to expand your business hours. Before I had a web chat, I refused to answer my phone after 5pm because I was trying to maintain some semblance of work-life balance. But, now that I use Podium’s web chat service, I can respond to people much later at night because it isn’t as much of a disruption as answering a phone call.

Having more expansive business hours will also make your business look more appealing than other photography businesses in your area.

If one photographer only works until 5pm, but another will take your question when you’re panicking about your last minute elopement at 11pm, you can guess which photographer will get your business.

I do truly believe that a Podium web chat will help you to get and retain more clients, but I’m also hyping them up because Podium is currently doing a free trial of its software. So, unlike other web chat services, you can use it first before you decide whether or not it will work for your photography business in the long term.

Learn More:How to Get and Retain More Photography Clients 5 Actionable Photography Business Goals for 2021

Categories:   Photography



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